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Piątek, 14 Września, 2007, 18:29

Ach ten Cedric? część 2

... na ziemię spadła mała karteczka, a było na niej napisane:

W sobotę o 19.00 nad jeziorem. C.

Czyżby to był Cedric?
Pełna radości, lecz także niepokoju podałam karteczkę Marieccie.
-Czy myślesz że to Cedric?-zapytała. W jej oczach zauważyłam błysk zazdrości.
-Nie wiem...

W piątek po zajęciach razem z Mariettą i Natalie pisałyśmy zadanie z Transmutacji i nagle Marietta westchnęła:
-Ja to się dzieje że ty zawsze masz szczęście co do chłopaków?
-Ja nie wiem. To jakoś tak się samo dzieje.-odpowiedziałam zaskoczona.
-Tak, jasne. To się samo tak dzieje. Lepiej przyznaj się że ci na tym bardzo zależy.
-Co ty mówisz?
-No tak jest. Wsztscy chłopcy myśle że jeżeli jesteś Chinką czy tam Japonką to już jesteś lepsza od wszystkich. A tak nie jest.
-O co ci chodzi?-krzyknęłam zdenerwowana-Jezeli chcesz to możesz iść na to cholerne spotkanie. Mi na nim nie zależy!
-Nie mogę ci zabierać szansy na kolejny romans.-powiedziała z nutką drwiny w głosie.
Popatrzyłam na nią z odrazą i wybiegłam do dormitorium.
Zostałam tam aż do wieczora. Nie mogłam zapomnieć tego co powiedziała o mnie Marietta. Przecież mi nie zależy na chłopakach. Ja chcę tylko dobrze się ucyć i skończyć szkołę z dobrym wynikim, by później zdobyć dobry zawód.
Pozostaje jeszcze sprawa jutrzejszego spotkania.
Szczerze nie mam ochoty tam iść, ale jestem bardzo ciekawa czego ten "C." chce ode mnie...

W sobotę około godziny 18.50 wyszłam z Pokoju Wspólnego. Nie odezwałam się do Marietty ani słowem od wczoraj.
Czekałam chwilę nad jeziorem, gdy pojawił się jakiś cień. Lecz nie był to napewno Cedric. To osoba była trochę mniejsza od niego.
-Witaj, jeszcze się nie znamy. Jestem...

Przepraszam za bledy i że jest tak krótko, ale mi troche klawiatura nawala i nie mogę nic na to poradzić....


Niedziela, 10 Stycznia;, 2016, 22:34

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Niedziela, 10 Stycznia;, 2016, 22:34

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Poniedziałek, 11 Stycznia;, 2016, 00:58

International directory enquiries <a href=" ">quetiapine uk</a> In many of her speeches, Clinton talks about America's role in the world and weighs in on national issues on her own terms. Her words often seem to be aimed at maintaining a connection to the party's base of women, black and Hispanic voters, young people and gays and lesbians.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:50

Get a job <a href=" ">desvenlafaxine succinate 50 mg</a> It&#8217;s no secret why the Senate bill keeps the government in the game. It&#8217;s easy to pass a phony reform that makes Congress look good and gives the Realtors, home builders and community activists what they want. Instead of the usual cave-in to the Government Mortgage Complex, the House bill will give the American people a rare opportunity to consider an alternative future for housing finance.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:50

Get a job <a href=" ">desvenlafaxine succinate 50 mg</a> It&#8217;s no secret why the Senate bill keeps the government in the game. It&#8217;s easy to pass a phony reform that makes Congress look good and gives the Realtors, home builders and community activists what they want. Instead of the usual cave-in to the Government Mortgage Complex, the House bill will give the American people a rare opportunity to consider an alternative future for housing finance.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:50

I'm unemployed <a href=" ">nizagara how long to work</a> While Washington has not disclosed the origin of the threat, the U.S. alert followed a renewed warning from al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri to take revenge for U.S. drone attacks on its fighters and imprisonment of Islamist militants in Guantanamo.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:50

I'm unemployed <a href=" ">nizagara how long to work</a> While Washington has not disclosed the origin of the threat, the U.S. alert followed a renewed warning from al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri to take revenge for U.S. drone attacks on its fighters and imprisonment of Islamist militants in Guantanamo.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:50

Sorry, you must have the wrong number <a href=" ">nizagara sildenafil citrate tablets</a> Mr Evans said he would now sit as an independent MP rather than for the party under whose label he was elected. Deputy speakers do not take a party whip, sparing the Conservative leadership the tricky decision of whether to remove it. Mr Evans said he had no intention of asking for the Conservative whip to be restored while legal proceedings continue (a request, I understand, that would have been refused).


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:51

Sorry, you must have the wrong number <a href=" ">nizagara sildenafil citrate tablets</a> Mr Evans said he would now sit as an independent MP rather than for the party under whose label he was elected. Deputy speakers do not take a party whip, sparing the Conservative leadership the tricky decision of whether to remove it. Mr Evans said he had no intention of asking for the Conservative whip to be restored while legal proceedings continue (a request, I understand, that would have been refused).


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:51

Hello good day <a href=" ">pristiq 8 weeks</a> Ms. Colleen C. Barrett serves as Independent Director of J.C. Penney Company, Inc.,since January 1, 2004. She is President Emeritus since 2008, President and Director from 2001 to 2008, Chief Operating Officer from 2001 to 2004 and Corporate Secretary from 1978 to 2008 of Southwest Airlines Co. (airline), with which she served in positions of increasing importance since 1978, including Executive Vice President-Customers from 1990 to 2001 and Vice President-Administration from 1986 to 1990. Member of the Board of Trustees of Becker College.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:51

Hello good day <a href=" ">pristiq 8 weeks</a> Ms. Colleen C. Barrett serves as Independent Director of J.C. Penney Company, Inc.,since January 1, 2004. She is President Emeritus since 2008, President and Director from 2001 to 2008, Chief Operating Officer from 2001 to 2004 and Corporate Secretary from 1978 to 2008 of Southwest Airlines Co. (airline), with which she served in positions of increasing importance since 1978, including Executive Vice President-Customers from 1990 to 2001 and Vice President-Administration from 1986 to 1990. Member of the Board of Trustees of Becker College.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:51

Can I call you back? <a href=" ">desvenlafaxine or venlafaxine</a> Shares in Alcatel rose 2 percent in early trading and wereup 1.4 percent at 2.927 euros by 0712 GMT. The stock has almosttripled in value this year, with hopes that Combes can turnaround the business.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:51

Can I call you back? <a href=" ">desvenlafaxine or venlafaxine</a> Shares in Alcatel rose 2 percent in early trading and wereup 1.4 percent at 2.927 euros by 0712 GMT. The stock has almosttripled in value this year, with hopes that Combes can turnaround the business.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:51

A company car <a href=" ">pristiq mg</a> Networking: Yes, but not the usual conservative activist network. Broad outreach as keynote speaker at 2012 Republican National Convention and vice chairman of Republican Governors Association, a group he'll chair in 2014. At Aspen Institute in July, started spat with Paul from afar, criticizing libertarians in the party. Spoke to Conservative Political Action Conference in 2012 but not invited this year. Invited to speak to Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom conference, but declined and instead appeared with Bill Clinton in Chicago to talk about disaster relief.


Piątek, 22 Stycznia;, 2016, 06:51

A company car <a href=" ">pristiq mg</a> Networking: Yes, but not the usual conservative activist network. Broad outreach as keynote speaker at 2012 Republican National Convention and vice chairman of Republican Governors Association, a group he'll chair in 2014. At Aspen Institute in July, started spat with Paul from afar, criticizing libertarians in the party. Spoke to Conservative Political Action Conference in 2012 but not invited this year. Invited to speak to Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom conference, but declined and instead appeared with Bill Clinton in Chicago to talk about disaster relief.

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