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Postanowiliśmy aby następne pamiętniki powierzać osobom wyłonionym w konkursach. Znajdą się tu również informacje o innych konkursach organizowanych na naszej stronie!

[ Powrót ]

Poniedziałek, 02 Kwietnia, 2007, 20:56

Wyniki konkursu!

Dzisiaj ogłaszamy wyniki nna działy Percyego i lekcje zielarstwa (przepraszam, że z małym opóźnieniem ale miałem mały problem z dostępem do sieci).

Miło mi oznajmić, że działy Percyego Weasleya poprowadzą zgodnie z wolą jurora Dumba Ravenclaw 88 osoby:
- Poradnik dla początkującego Prefekta – Patrice
- Jak zostać Prefektem? – Percy radzi – Artur
- Prefekci - czym się zajmują? – Percyfun
Osoby te proszone są o opracowanie działów i wysłanie ich do Dumba - on umieści je na stronie i zaznaczy kto był autorem!

Lekcje zielarstwa poprowadzą wspólnie Fafcia i Łapa - te osoby wskazał Matix jako jego zdaniem najlepsze. Dostęp zaraz wysyłam!



Czwartek, 11 Września, 2014, 18:14

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Piątek, 12 Września, 2014, 07:28

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Piątek, 12 Września, 2014, 07:28

A First Class stamp <a href=" ">tenormin online yz</a> The Corrections Department also expanded the definition ofits execution team to include a compounding pharmacy that willsupply the pentobarbital. State law requires that the identityof execution team members, including medical personnel andcorrections employees involved in carrying out lethalinjections, be kept secret.


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I live in London <a href=" ">purchase finasteride fv</a> He is definitely looking better than he has in a long time. What&#8217;s up with JJ emphasizing that he &#8220;carried his own bag&#8221;?? I wonder if his camp gave them flack for the thread where it showed Amy hauling everything. How funny!!


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I'm training to be an engineer <a href=" ">much does accutane cost aetna insurance ht</a> The banks and multi-national corporation have almost assumed complete control the citizenry of the USA. America wants America back for its own citizens. The constitution that is respected by WE THE PEOPLE specifically states who does and who does not have control over this country. By shutting down the government to obtain more gambling debt is a spot on demonstration that the house has been viewed in the past as nothing more than a blank check book. Now the house wants to do it&#8217;s job, and the banks are shocked. On the verge of &#8220;World Recovery&#8221; or complete dominion?


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I'm retired <a href=" ">buy generic accutane online pc</a> Snowden is reportedly hiding out in Hong Kong after leaking information about the wiretapping practices of the National Security Agency earlier this month to reporters at The Guardian and The Washington Post. Snowden's leaks contained information about secret court orders allowing the NSA to monitor phone records as part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Another secret NSA program called PRISM allowed the government to monitor user data from Google, Facebook, Microsoft and other Internet companies.


Piątek, 12 Września, 2014, 07:28

I'm retired <a href=" ">buy generic accutane online pc</a> Snowden is reportedly hiding out in Hong Kong after leaking information about the wiretapping practices of the National Security Agency earlier this month to reporters at The Guardian and The Washington Post. Snowden's leaks contained information about secret court orders allowing the NSA to monitor phone records as part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Another secret NSA program called PRISM allowed the government to monitor user data from Google, Facebook, Microsoft and other Internet companies.


Sobota, 13 Września, 2014, 00:25

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I'm in my first year at university <a href=" ">domperidone motilium ok</a> Should he have been more aware, less careless? Sure. But was it out of anger or stupidity? Had another player been flagged – and there are sure to be more violations this season - it would have incurred a slap on the wrist.


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Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account? <a href=" ">term paper service</a> Like fellow defenseman Marc Staal, McDonagh proved so uniquely valuable to the Rangers that the organization did not offer him its usual two-year “bridge” deal between the entry-level pact and the more lucrative third contract. The Rangers get the security of locking in the defenseman’s first three seasons of unrestricted free agency eligibility, which begins in the summer of 2016.


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Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account? <a href=" ">term paper service</a> Like fellow defenseman Marc Staal, McDonagh proved so uniquely valuable to the Rangers that the organization did not offer him its usual two-year “bridge” deal between the entry-level pact and the more lucrative third contract. The Rangers get the security of locking in the defenseman’s first three seasons of unrestricted free agency eligibility, which begins in the summer of 2016.


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Sobota, 13 Września, 2014, 05:27

How much notice do you have to give? <a href=" ">writing creative essays</a> In other types of service work, such as maintenance, laundryand personal services, the researchers found that one-third ofemployees are enrolled in public assistance programs, as wereabout 30 percent of workers in the retail and hospitalitysectors.


Sobota, 13 Września, 2014, 05:27

I've only just arrived <a href=" ">online thesis writing</a> Jay Z's "Magna Carta . . . Holy Grail" falls 4-6 (37,000; down 23%), the "Teen Beach Movie" soundtrack moves 6-7 (33,000; down 13%), and Florida Georgia Line's "Here's to the Good Times" rises 10-8 (31,000; up 19%). Imagine Dragons' "Night Visions" (7-9 with 27,000; down 26%) and Five Finger Death Punch's "The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell" (8-10 with 22,000; down 38%) close out the top 10.


Sobota, 13 Września, 2014, 05:27

I've only just arrived <a href=" ">online thesis writing</a> Jay Z's "Magna Carta . . . Holy Grail" falls 4-6 (37,000; down 23%), the "Teen Beach Movie" soundtrack moves 6-7 (33,000; down 13%), and Florida Georgia Line's "Here's to the Good Times" rises 10-8 (31,000; up 19%). Imagine Dragons' "Night Visions" (7-9 with 27,000; down 26%) and Five Finger Death Punch's "The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell" (8-10 with 22,000; down 38%) close out the top 10.


Sobota, 13 Września, 2014, 17:14

Please call back later <a href=" ">cheap topamax 50mg hk</a> The federal Health Department said this week that it has sent staff to investigate what happened at the Rural Health Center of the village of San Felipe Jalapa de Diaz. The National Human Rights Commission also began an investigation after seeing news reports.

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