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Poniedziałek, 02 Kwietnia, 2007, 20:56

Wyniki konkursu!

Dzisiaj ogłaszamy wyniki nna działy Percyego i lekcje zielarstwa (przepraszam, że z małym opóźnieniem ale miałem mały problem z dostępem do sieci).

Miło mi oznajmić, że działy Percyego Weasleya poprowadzą zgodnie z wolą jurora Dumba Ravenclaw 88 osoby:
- Poradnik dla początkującego Prefekta – Patrice
- Jak zostać Prefektem? – Percy radzi – Artur
- Prefekci - czym się zajmują? – Percyfun
Osoby te proszone są o opracowanie działów i wysłanie ich do Dumba - on umieści je na stronie i zaznaczy kto był autorem!

Lekcje zielarstwa poprowadzą wspólnie Fafcia i Łapa - te osoby wskazał Matix jako jego zdaniem najlepsze. Dostęp zaraz wysyłam!



Niedziela, 21 Września, 2014, 13:23

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Niedziela, 21 Września, 2014, 13:23

I'm happy very good site <a href=" ">diflucan compresse costo hi</a> Here&rsquo;s the good news. The fund did make profits of more than $490 million for the decade ending in 2012. How did the investors do? They received no returns. More than $498 million was paid to Morgan Stanley in commissions, expenses and fees.


Niedziela, 21 Września, 2014, 13:23

I really like swimming <a href=" ">premarin price uv</a> "Whatever the outcome of these proceedings, those engaged infinancial dealings ... will wish to consider much more carefullyboth their duties and obligations under the rule book," saidJames Carlton of law firm Fox Williams, adding that the Hannamcase showed the FCA would no longer tolerate "what many haveconsidered to be a very grey area for many years".


Niedziela, 21 Września, 2014, 13:23

I really like swimming <a href=" ">premarin price uv</a> "Whatever the outcome of these proceedings, those engaged infinancial dealings ... will wish to consider much more carefullyboth their duties and obligations under the rule book," saidJames Carlton of law firm Fox Williams, adding that the Hannamcase showed the FCA would no longer tolerate "what many haveconsidered to be a very grey area for many years".


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

How do you know each other? <a href=" ">rogaine printable coupon 2012 wj</a> "A lot of the victims' medical records and documents were shredded or disappeared from the hospital where Jones worked," Andy Kahan, a victim's advocate for the Houston mayor's office, told ABC News.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

How do you know each other? <a href=" ">rogaine printable coupon 2012 wj</a> "A lot of the victims' medical records and documents were shredded or disappeared from the hospital where Jones worked," Andy Kahan, a victim's advocate for the Houston mayor's office, told ABC News.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

We work together <a href=" ">generic rogaine target qd</a> Typically the head coach always has the final call on starting decisions like this one. Obviously, as much discussion could take place, there are easily envisioned scenarios where Ryan and Idzik disagree over who the starter should be. That could come because of a difference in evaluation opinion, or because Idzik has a long-term view and Ryan is more concerned with this season.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

We work together <a href=" ">generic rogaine target qd</a> Typically the head coach always has the final call on starting decisions like this one. Obviously, as much discussion could take place, there are easily envisioned scenarios where Ryan and Idzik disagree over who the starter should be. That could come because of a difference in evaluation opinion, or because Idzik has a long-term view and Ryan is more concerned with this season.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

I'd like to change some money <a href=" ">where to buy diflucan in canada pw</a> As for the college plan, some critics said it would do little if anything to hold down costs. Neal McCluskey, with the libertarian Cato Instititute, said federal funding has helped fuel rising school prices for decades, and Obama's proposals will likely do little to control them.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

I'd like to change some money <a href=" ">where to buy diflucan in canada pw</a> As for the college plan, some critics said it would do little if anything to hold down costs. Neal McCluskey, with the libertarian Cato Instititute, said federal funding has helped fuel rising school prices for decades, and Obama's proposals will likely do little to control them.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

Could you give me some smaller notes? <a href=" ">diflucan no prescription needed xz</a> Shield was first unveiled in January during the Consumer Electronics Show. Nvidia started taking preorders for the device in May. Back then, it committed to deliver the consoles by June 27. Days before the original shipment schedule, Nvidia postponed the shipment date due to a major problem with an unidentified supplier.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

Could you give me some smaller notes? <a href=" ">diflucan no prescription needed xz</a> Shield was first unveiled in January during the Consumer Electronics Show. Nvidia started taking preorders for the device in May. Back then, it committed to deliver the consoles by June 27. Days before the original shipment schedule, Nvidia postponed the shipment date due to a major problem with an unidentified supplier.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

How many weeks' holiday a year are there? <a href=" ">men's rogaine foam in canada js</a> This marks the second time in recent months that a crop was rejected for export because it was found to be contaminated with a Monsanto’s GMO seeds. In May, “Roundup Ready” wheat was discovered in an Oregon farmer’s fields, prompting many Asian nations to suspend imports.


Poniedziałek, 22 Września, 2014, 06:48

How many weeks' holiday a year are there? <a href=" ">men's rogaine foam in canada js</a> This marks the second time in recent months that a crop was rejected for export because it was found to be contaminated with a Monsanto’s GMO seeds. In May, “Roundup Ready” wheat was discovered in an Oregon farmer’s fields, prompting many Asian nations to suspend imports.


Wtorek, 23 Września, 2014, 18:01

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Wtorek, 23 Września, 2014, 18:01

Could I order a new chequebook, please? <a href=" ">pay someone to write my papers</a> The bottom-line difference is huge: Using the 8.4% rate, a 30-day MetroCard would climb from $112 to $168 by 2023. Were the MTA to hold hikes to inflation, that same card would cost more like $128 — a $40 monthly cut.


Wtorek, 23 Września, 2014, 18:01

International directory enquiries <a href=" ">writing lab reports</a> Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton previously told U.S. News the program was a "more direct assault on American citizens' reasonable expectation of privacy than the gathering of general phone records."


Wtorek, 23 Września, 2014, 18:01

International directory enquiries <a href=" ">writing lab reports</a> Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton previously told U.S. News the program was a "more direct assault on American citizens' reasonable expectation of privacy than the gathering of general phone records."


Wtorek, 23 Września, 2014, 18:01

I'd like to open a personal account <a href=" ">essay writers writing service</a> The possible restrictions on new vehicle purchases come at a time when automakers are bracing for another tepid year of growth in a market that has been hit by a slowing economy as well as rising fuel costs.

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