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Jak widać na stronie dział z pamietnikami rozrasta się w szybkim tempie! - Jak tak dalej pjdzie to zabraknie nam bohaterw i JK Rowling będzie musiała dopisać specjalnie dla nas jeszcze kilka tomw przygd Harry'ego Pottera!
Postanowiliśmy aby następne pamiętniki powierzać osobom wyłonionym w konkursach. Znajdą się tu rwnież informacje o innych konkursach organizowanych na naszej stronie!

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Poniedziałek, 02 Kwietnia, 2007, 20:56

Wyniki konkursu!

Dzisiaj ogaszamy wyniki nna dziay Percyego i lekcje zielarstwa (przepraszam, e z maym opnieniem ale miaem may problem z dostpem do sieci).

Mio mi oznajmi, e dziay Percyego Weasleya poprowadz zgodnie z wol jurora Dumba Ravenclaw 88 osoby:
- Poradnik dla pocztkujcego Prefekta – Patrice
- Jak zosta Prefektem? – Percy radzi – Artur
- Prefekci - czym si zajmuj? – Percyfun
Osoby te proszone s o opracowanie dziaw i wysanie ich do Dumba - on umieci je na stronie i zaznaczy kto by autorem!

Lekcje zielarstwa poprowadz wsplnie Fafcia i apa - te osoby wskaza Matix jako jego zdaniem najlepsze. Dostp zaraz wysyam!



Niedziela, 12 Października, 2014, 23:40

We went to university together <a href=" ">academic writing and research</a> Whole Foods says the cheese may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. It was sold in 30 states and Washington DC under names including Les Freres and Crave Brothers Les Freres. The cheese was cut and packaged in clear plastic wrap and sold with Whole Foods Market scale labels. The company is posting signs in its stores to inform customers about the recall.


Niedziela, 12 Października, 2014, 23:40

There's a three month trial period <a href=" ">academic writing</a> Not everyone welcomes the influx of cash. Corporate venture money could be contributing to some sky-high funding rounds for young companies, venture capitalists say, and helping to drive up valuations overall.


Niedziela, 12 Października, 2014, 23:40

There's a three month trial period <a href=" ">academic writing</a> Not everyone welcomes the influx of cash. Corporate venture money could be contributing to some sky-high funding rounds for young companies, venture capitalists say, and helping to drive up valuations overall.


Niedziela, 12 Października, 2014, 23:40

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Niedziela, 12 Października, 2014, 23:40

Could you tell me the number for ? <a href=" ">ut quest homework service</a> “We started talking,’’ Gooden recalled recently, “and I said to him, ‘you were looking to jump me, weren’t you? You knew I was going to lay a fastball in there for a strike with the first pitch, and you were looking to jump me, right?’


Poniedziałek, 13 Października, 2014, 17:14

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Poniedziałek, 13 Października, 2014, 17:14

Where's the nearest cash machine? <a href=" ">take my class online</a> He set some attacking fields to Chris Rogers and then was brave to bring on Joe Root for Finn, just when Finn was starting to find his length. I would have kept Finn on for longer, but he went for Root and he made the breakthrough before tea.


Wtorek, 14 Października, 2014, 10:58

When do you want me to start? <a href=" ">dissertation typing service</a> "The way you make this work is not by denying care. The way you save money is by giving the right care to the right patients in the right setting," Safyer said. "My sense is the country is moving toward this. I predict it grows and grows. I bet the ranch on it."


Wtorek, 14 Października, 2014, 10:58

When do you want me to start? <a href=" ">dissertation typing service</a> "The way you make this work is not by denying care. The way you save money is by giving the right care to the right patients in the right setting," Safyer said. "My sense is the country is moving toward this. I predict it grows and grows. I bet the ranch on it."


Wtorek, 14 Października, 2014, 10:58

How many would you like? <a href=" ">example of argumentative essay in apa format</a> “I did not realize it was going to be so personal,” she admits, but seeing the film opened her eyes. “I realized, it’s always mixed — family, love, friends — it’s always like that. It is a real reflection of my life. Some are going to be surprised when they see me not in high heels and skirts, but in jeans. You can see me vulnerable and stressed — it’s the real me, the good and the bad.”


Wtorek, 14 Października, 2014, 10:58

How many would you like? <a href=" ">example of argumentative essay in apa format</a> “I did not realize it was going to be so personal,” she admits, but seeing the film opened her eyes. “I realized, it’s always mixed — family, love, friends — it’s always like that. It is a real reflection of my life. Some are going to be surprised when they see me not in high heels and skirts, but in jeans. You can see me vulnerable and stressed — it’s the real me, the good and the bad.”


Wtorek, 14 Października, 2014, 10:58

I'm unemployed <a href=" ">essay on writing skills</a> Did you see this? Happened Sept. 20 at Minute Maid Park in Houston. The Diamondbacks’ Juan Miranda tossed a foul ball to a little girl standing behind the dugout but a lady in white tried to intercept it. The kid caught the ball, and the woman pulled it out of her hands. She celebrated her foray into child abuse, receiving high-fives as the little girl sadly returned to her seat. Another extreme example of what some “adults” will do to get a baseball. Fortunately, stadium officials delivered one to the child. No one tried to steal it from her.


Wtorek, 14 Października, 2014, 10:58

I'm unemployed <a href=" ">essay on writing skills</a> Did you see this? Happened Sept. 20 at Minute Maid Park in Houston. The Diamondbacks’ Juan Miranda tossed a foul ball to a little girl standing behind the dugout but a lady in white tried to intercept it. The kid caught the ball, and the woman pulled it out of her hands. She celebrated her foray into child abuse, receiving high-fives as the little girl sadly returned to her seat. Another extreme example of what some “adults” will do to get a baseball. Fortunately, stadium officials delivered one to the child. No one tried to steal it from her.


Środa, 15 Października, 2014, 04:38

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Środa, 15 Października, 2014, 04:38

Withdraw cash <a href=" ">assignment service</a> Experts say hostility has been fuelled by the low status of the guest workers who struggled to rise up the socio-economic ladder. Many Germans blamed this on their unwillingness to integrate. In reality, a school system that streams pupils from a young age and only teaches for half the day doesn't help guest workers' children learn good German and means may are later stuck in low-skilled jobs.


Środa, 15 Października, 2014, 04:38

Children with disabilities <a href=" ">essay service feedback</a> Analysts at Lazard Capital Markets raised their price targeton the solar panel maker to $20 from $18, citing confidence inthe company's earnings power and cash flow generationcapabilities in 2014 and beyond.


Środa, 15 Października, 2014, 04:38

Children with disabilities <a href=" ">essay service feedback</a> Analysts at Lazard Capital Markets raised their price targeton the solar panel maker to $20 from $18, citing confidence inthe company's earnings power and cash flow generationcapabilities in 2014 and beyond.


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Środa, 15 Października, 2014, 16:18

I'd like to send this to <a href=" ">meat suprax coupons restart</a> He was a highly-productive player for our team last year and we were fully counting on him to be a key contributor again this season. More importantly, his presence and leadership will be extremely difficult to replace. Andy is a fighter, he will bounce back and has the full support of the Stanford basketball family.


Środa, 15 Października, 2014, 16:18

Enter your PIN <a href=" ">numeric atenolol 25mg tablets colored</a> If Grangemouth stays open, another European refinery willhave to shut (which is one reason why the European Commissionwill be monitoring developments in Scotland closely to ensurethat EU rules on state aid are not broken).

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