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Poniedziałek, 02 Kwietnia, 2007, 20:56

Wyniki konkursu!

Dzisiaj ogłaszamy wyniki nna działy Percyego i lekcje zielarstwa (przepraszam, że z małym opóźnieniem ale miałem mały problem z dostępem do sieci).

Miło mi oznajmić, że działy Percyego Weasleya poprowadzą zgodnie z wolą jurora Dumba Ravenclaw 88 osoby:
- Poradnik dla początkującego Prefekta – Patrice
- Jak zostać Prefektem? – Percy radzi – Artur
- Prefekci - czym się zajmują? – Percyfun
Osoby te proszone są o opracowanie działów i wysłanie ich do Dumba - on umieści je na stronie i zaznaczy kto był autorem!

Lekcje zielarstwa poprowadzą wspólnie Fafcia i Łapa - te osoby wskazał Matix jako jego zdaniem najlepsze. Dostęp zaraz wysyłam!



Niedziela, 17 Sierpnia, 2014, 20:33

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Poniedziałek, 18 Sierpnia, 2014, 06:12

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Wtorek, 19 Sierpnia, 2014, 01:33

Withdraw cash <a href=" ">is 30mg of paxil a high dose</a> Well you could also say that Trayvon initiated the chain of events by committing criminal acts at school (repeatedly) that resulted in his suspension and being in the neighborhood in the first place. Or you could say Trayvon initiated the chain of events by going to the store in order to purchase the ingredients to make &#8216;sizzurp&#8217;, the drink by which he abused dxm. Watermelon drink and skittles are main ingredients in &#8216;sizzurp&#8217;. I will admit the prosecution team was very, very crafty in creating the cover story about the candy run. Nothing contaminated the jury pool more than the &#8216;little kid walking home with candy&#8217; narrative.


Wtorek, 19 Sierpnia, 2014, 01:33

Withdraw cash <a href=" ">is 30mg of paxil a high dose</a> Well you could also say that Trayvon initiated the chain of events by committing criminal acts at school (repeatedly) that resulted in his suspension and being in the neighborhood in the first place. Or you could say Trayvon initiated the chain of events by going to the store in order to purchase the ingredients to make &#8216;sizzurp&#8217;, the drink by which he abused dxm. Watermelon drink and skittles are main ingredients in &#8216;sizzurp&#8217;. I will admit the prosecution team was very, very crafty in creating the cover story about the candy run. Nothing contaminated the jury pool more than the &#8216;little kid walking home with candy&#8217; narrative.


Wtorek, 19 Sierpnia, 2014, 10:45

The National Gallery <a href=" ">can i order atenolol online</a> The Belfast Telegraph reported at the time: "A man who said he thought the killing was in revenge for the death of Robert Burns outside a chip shop in Ballysillan on Friday night added that Seamus Gilmore and Robert Burns knew each other quite well and spoke to each other."


Wtorek, 19 Sierpnia, 2014, 10:45

The National Gallery <a href=" ">can i order atenolol online</a> The Belfast Telegraph reported at the time: "A man who said he thought the killing was in revenge for the death of Robert Burns outside a chip shop in Ballysillan on Friday night added that Seamus Gilmore and Robert Burns knew each other quite well and spoke to each other."


Wtorek, 19 Sierpnia, 2014, 11:12

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Środa, 20 Sierpnia, 2014, 06:50

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Środa, 20 Sierpnia, 2014, 06:50

I want to make a withdrawal <a href=" ">eriacta 100 how long does it last</a> But data from SharkRepellent show that since 2005, there have been no shareholder proposals at S&P 1500 companies by the largest fund families. Governance experts say part of the reason for the lack of push from big asset managers is simple: The payoff is often not direct and does not justify the cost.


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Środa, 20 Sierpnia, 2014, 19:55

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Środa, 20 Sierpnia, 2014, 22:51

How many weeks' holiday a year are there? cheap avapro Many of the places, stories and lives lived by New Yorkers who have come before us are still alive and well, but locked in photography archives. Check out these photos that blend places in New York Ci...

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