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Poniedziałek, 02 Kwietnia, 2007, 20:56

Wyniki konkursu!

Dzisiaj ogłaszamy wyniki nna działy Percyego i lekcje zielarstwa (przepraszam, że z małym opóźnieniem ale miałem mały problem z dostępem do sieci).

Miło mi oznajmić, że działy Percyego Weasleya poprowadzą zgodnie z wolą jurora Dumba Ravenclaw 88 osoby:
- Poradnik dla początkującego Prefekta – Patrice
- Jak zostać Prefektem? – Percy radzi – Artur
- Prefekci - czym się zajmują? – Percyfun
Osoby te proszone są o opracowanie działów i wysłanie ich do Dumba - on umieści je na stronie i zaznaczy kto był autorem!

Lekcje zielarstwa poprowadzą wspólnie Fafcia i Łapa - te osoby wskazał Matix jako jego zdaniem najlepsze. Dostęp zaraz wysyłam!



Sobota, 23 Sierpnia, 2014, 13:11

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Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia, 2014, 00:04

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Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia, 2014, 00:04

I'd like to change some money <a href=" ">abilify 10 mg price</a> Though in the same review, it claimed the show - which sees Jason arriving on the shores of the pre-sunken mythical island searching for his father "is sticking far too rigidly to a tried-and-tested format".


Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia, 2014, 00:06

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Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia, 2014, 00:06

History <a href=" ">tetracycline 250mg acne</a> Instead, aides said, they want to use the debt limit to leverage savings in major federal retirement and healthcare programs. In exchange, deep, across-the-board spending cuts that hit the Pentagon and domestic programs in March would be canceled under that strategy.


Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia, 2014, 09:49

What line of work are you in? <a href=" ">nexium 20mg tablets</a> It is essential that the area between Bath and Bristol is maintained as greenbelt. If we allow planning permission for large developments on this patch of land the A4 route between the two cities will become more populated, creating a channel of built-up land between the two. This would risk a merger of both and a loss of countryside. Granting permission for development along this route may appear to be a simple solution to the current housing shortage. However, we must consider the long term impact on the geography and character of the area. Bath and Bristol must be able to maintain their separate identities and not sprawl into one.


Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia, 2014, 09:49

What line of work are you in? <a href=" ">nexium 20mg tablets</a> It is essential that the area between Bath and Bristol is maintained as greenbelt. If we allow planning permission for large developments on this patch of land the A4 route between the two cities will become more populated, creating a channel of built-up land between the two. This would risk a merger of both and a loss of countryside. Granting permission for development along this route may appear to be a simple solution to the current housing shortage. However, we must consider the long term impact on the geography and character of the area. Bath and Bristol must be able to maintain their separate identities and not sprawl into one.


Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia, 2014, 20:11

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Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia, 2014, 20:11

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Poniedziałek, 25 Sierpnia, 2014, 06:21

I'm not sure <a href=" ">ventolin 0 4 mg/ml</a> What split?! Despite the buzz surrounding the status of their engagement, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth were spotted enjoying a movie date at the ArcLight Cinemas in Hollywood on June 17, 2013. The outing marked the first time the two have been photographed in public together in five months. The 20-year-old pop star, who recently premiered her raunchy new music video for her single "We Can't Stop," also made sure her engagement ring was firmly planted on her left hand.


Poniedziałek, 25 Sierpnia, 2014, 06:21

I'm not sure <a href=" ">ventolin 0 4 mg/ml</a> What split?! Despite the buzz surrounding the status of their engagement, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth were spotted enjoying a movie date at the ArcLight Cinemas in Hollywood on June 17, 2013. The outing marked the first time the two have been photographed in public together in five months. The 20-year-old pop star, who recently premiered her raunchy new music video for her single "We Can't Stop," also made sure her engagement ring was firmly planted on her left hand.


Wtorek, 26 Sierpnia, 2014, 03:54

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Wtorek, 26 Sierpnia, 2014, 03:54

Incorrect PIN <a href=" ">500 mg tetracycline hydrochloride capsules</a> The spokesman declined to give details of how extensively insider-threat software was operating at intelligence agencies, but insisted, "We're making good progress." He also pointed out that software programs were only one element in a broader set of measures that an insider-threat task force is developing to spot and shut off potential leaks.


Wtorek, 26 Sierpnia, 2014, 14:35

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Wtorek, 26 Sierpnia, 2014, 14:35

I'm a partner in <a href=" ">buy esomeprazole 40 mg</a> A price war over new 4G mobile services threatened to ensue today as Three announces that its superfast network would be offered to customers at no extra cost, while rival O2 revealed that it would be the exclusive retailer for Google&rsquo;s latest 4G tablet, the Nexus 7.


Wtorek, 26 Sierpnia, 2014, 18:26

I've lost my bank card <a href=" ">50 mg synthroid sv</a> Cook and coach Andy Flower will face a tough decision over whether to again give Finn the nod as their third seamer ahead of either Bresnan or Onions. Finn struggled in Nottingham, where man of the match James Anderson led the home attack brilliantly and was rewarded with 10 wickets.

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