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Poniedziałek, 28 Kwietnia, 2008, 16:32

Skrytka w gabinecie Karkarowa

Po dwóch tygodniach od śmierci ojca poczułem się lepiej. Wkrótce znów zacząłem myśleć o Quiddichu, Hermionie, przyjaciołach i...lekcjach :P.
Pewnego dnia jednak coś mi się przypomniało... Mianowicie tuż przed śmiercią tata coś mnie powiedział...O rzeczach w gabinecie Karkarowa...
Długo się zastanawiałem, co zrobić: pójść i ukraść je mu, czy też zostawić sprawę nierozwiązaną? W końcu jednak podjąłem decyzję: pójdę je wziąć, choćby z wierności do ojca. Tak więc pewnego dnia wymknąłem się po lekcjach niepostrzeżenie. Cicho pobiegłem w kierunku pokoju dyrektora, zanim całe grono rozchichotanych idiotek poleci za mną, prosząc o autograf.
Gdy już zdyszany, lekko mówiąc, dobiegłem do jego gabinetu, przyłożyłem ucho do drzwi, nasłuchując uważnie. Kiedy nic nie usłyszałem i kiedy stwierdziłem, że prawdopodobnie nikogo w nim nie ma, już miałem nacisnąć na klamkę, gdy usłyszałem kroki na korytarzu...Sądząc po wielkim i ciężkim waleniu, szła tędy pewnie pani Hogwal...
Bez dłuższego namysłu nacisnąłem na klamkę i szybkim krokiem wszedłem
do pokoju.
Był to wielki i ponury pokój, zaśmiecony i wyraźnie zaniedbany. Wszędzie walały się papiery i księgi, a wszystkie stołki szafy były całe pokryte kurzem. Na ścianach wisiały trofea.
Niestety, ojciec nie powiedział mi, gdzie rzeczy się znajdują, ja natomiast stałem bezradnie pośrodku pokoju z rozpaczą. Nie dość, że nie znałem położenia skrytki, to jeszcze czas płynął i z minuty na minutę było coraz mniej jego. Chwilę się zastanaowiłem i zrugałem siebie samego w duchu:
„Weź się w garść, Wiktorze! Co ty byś zrobił, gdybyś miał schować jakieś rzecz?”
„Pewnie schowałbym je w najdalszym kącie”.- odpowiedziałem sobie.
„No, a gdyby ktoś myślał tak samo?”- kolejne pytanie wpadło mi do głowy.
To ciekawe, ale chyba sam rozmawiam ze sobą.
„To wtedy-odpowiedziałem sobie z westchnieniem znużenia i poddania-wtedy bym schował je wśród papierów”.
I tak doszedłem do wniosku, że chyba rzeczy ojca będą na wierzchu...
Zerknąłem z niepokojem na drzwi: nic nie widziałem i nic nie słyszałem. Chwilowo się uspokoiłem. Szybko zacząłem rozgarniać papiery...
Uczucie radości mną ogarnęło: zobaczyłem zapakowany w foliową siatkę ochraniacz na rękę do Quiddicha dla szukającego...Coś, o cym marzyłem od dawna, gdy nagle...
Drzwi rozwarły się z hukiem i stanęła w nim żadna inna osoba niż...


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Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:19

I like watching TV <a href=" ">enterprise revision 30 mg paxil too much delicate rick</a> The judge said just because there was evidence the Liborrate had been manipulated did not make a loan void. But he saidthe terms of the swap agreement and its specific link to a Liborcontract were more contentious.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:32

Wonderfull great site <a href=" ">paroxetine price australia</a> "This first major natural catastrophe loss event will impact second quarter results but year-to-date natural catastrophe claims remain well below budget having experienced virtually nothing in the first quarter," Schuermann said.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:32

Wonderfull great site <a href=" ">paroxetine price australia</a> "This first major natural catastrophe loss event will impact second quarter results but year-to-date natural catastrophe claims remain well below budget having experienced virtually nothing in the first quarter," Schuermann said.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:32

What university do you go to? <a href=" ">paroxetine cost walgreens</a> Hersman said her team was investigating all aspects of the crash and the rescue efforts. She noted that the tail of the plane had hit the seawall in front of the runway, and part of the tail and other debris had landed in the water. Bits of the seawall were found far down the runway, Hersman added.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:32

What university do you go to? <a href=" ">paroxetine cost walgreens</a> Hersman said her team was investigating all aspects of the crash and the rescue efforts. She noted that the tail of the plane had hit the seawall in front of the runway, and part of the tail and other debris had landed in the water. Bits of the seawall were found far down the runway, Hersman added.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:33

Good crew it's cool :) <a href=" ">paroxetine price walgreens</a> “The impatience for growth will really take patience” &#8212; that’s Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan in a panel on low economic growth, using the particular kind of language particular to the people who inhabit particular places like Davos. A panel called “No Growth, Easy Money &#8212; The New Normal?” (those latter three words another terrible Davos phrase) began with the moderator grimly telling the crowd: “Will we ever return to the normal, free world?” This kind of sentence is ostensibly the kind of English you and I subscribe to, but on further examination, not so much.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:33

Good crew it's cool :) <a href=" ">paroxetine price walgreens</a> “The impatience for growth will really take patience” &#8212; that’s Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan in a panel on low economic growth, using the particular kind of language particular to the people who inhabit particular places like Davos. A panel called “No Growth, Easy Money &#8212; The New Normal?” (those latter three words another terrible Davos phrase) began with the moderator grimly telling the crowd: “Will we ever return to the normal, free world?” This kind of sentence is ostensibly the kind of English you and I subscribe to, but on further examination, not so much.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:33

Jonny was here <a href=" ">retin-a cream cost australia</a> The EPA has no system for actively auditing Tier II reports. But it does inspect sites for Tier II reporting issues after receiving a complaint or during a visit to examine compliance with other statutes and regulations.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 01:33

Jonny was here <a href=" ">retin-a cream cost australia</a> The EPA has no system for actively auditing Tier II reports. But it does inspect sites for Tier II reporting issues after receiving a complaint or during a visit to examine compliance with other statutes and regulations.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

I'm a trainee <a href=" ">cheap levaquin</a> He made his fortune in mining, but also owns a number of holiday resorts. The Titanic II isn&rsquo;t his only business venture apparently inspired by a Nineties blockbuster film. Last year he reportedly took an interest in cloning a dinosaur to attract guests to the Palmer Coolum Resort near Brisbane. He has since announced plans to install more than 100 mechanical dinosaurs at the resort.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

I'm a trainee <a href=" ">cheap levaquin</a> He made his fortune in mining, but also owns a number of holiday resorts. The Titanic II isn&rsquo;t his only business venture apparently inspired by a Nineties blockbuster film. Last year he reportedly took an interest in cloning a dinosaur to attract guests to the Palmer Coolum Resort near Brisbane. He has since announced plans to install more than 100 mechanical dinosaurs at the resort.


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I'd like to send this letter by <a href=" ">levaquin buy</a> JPMorgan, which is scheduled to post third-quarter resultson Oct. 11, will be the first big Wall Street bank to report.The largest U.S. bank is expected to earn $1.27 per share, compared with $1.40 per share for the same quarter last year,according to estimates compiled by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

I'd like to send this letter by <a href=" ">levaquin buy</a> JPMorgan, which is scheduled to post third-quarter resultson Oct. 11, will be the first big Wall Street bank to report.The largest U.S. bank is expected to earn $1.27 per share, compared with $1.40 per share for the same quarter last year,according to estimates compiled by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

I'm doing a phd in chemistry <a href=" ">motilium 10 mg 30 tablet endikasyonlarд±</a> The lawsuit, led by San Jose's police union, shows how difficult it is for local governments to break benefit promises to current and past employees even when other public services are being cut to pay for them.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

I'm doing a phd in chemistry <a href=" ">motilium 10 mg 30 tablet endikasyonlarд±</a> The lawsuit, led by San Jose's police union, shows how difficult it is for local governments to break benefit promises to current and past employees even when other public services are being cut to pay for them.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

The manager <a href=" ">levaquin 750 mg what it is used for</a> In April Tesco posted its first profit fall in two decades, wrote down the value of its global operations by $3.5 billion and confirmed plans to exit its loss-making business in the United States after five years trying to crack the market.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

The manager <a href=" ">levaquin 750 mg what it is used for</a> In April Tesco posted its first profit fall in two decades, wrote down the value of its global operations by $3.5 billion and confirmed plans to exit its loss-making business in the United States after five years trying to crack the market.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

I'm interested in this position <a href=" ">levaquin 750 mg tab</a> Meanwhile, Australian researchers announced earlier this month that they were closing in on a potential vaccine against malaria, with a study showing their treatment had protected mice against several strains of the disease.


Czwartek, 29 Stycznia;, 2015, 02:40

I'm interested in this position <a href=" ">levaquin 750 mg tab</a> Meanwhile, Australian researchers announced earlier this month that they were closing in on a potential vaccine against malaria, with a study showing their treatment had protected mice against several strains of the disease.

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