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Do 01`12`2008 Księgę prowadziły Milaj i Marcy
Do 20 lipca 2008 roku Księgę prowadzili Huncwoci:
Lilly Sharlott - James Potter
Karolla - Peter Pettigrew
Melisha - Syriusz Black
The Halfblood Princess - Remus Lupin

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Czwartek, 20 Grudnia, 2012, 18:07

Yo, kochani!

Przepraszam za dug nieobecno. Teraz w kocu mam wolne, wic napisz notk. Nie mogam wczeniej, bo przez cholern szko nie miaam czasu dosownie na nic. Nie wiem, czy dodam j przed nowym rokiem, bo tam gdzie spdz wita zapewne bd due problemy z internetem. Ale jak wrc do domu, to na pewno co si pojawi. :D
Dzikuj za cierpliwo ^^


Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 02:55

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Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 02:55

We need someone with experience <a href=" ">shrugged fluconazole diflucan 200 mg chair</a> Nevertheless,it can sometimes take more than a few stones for David to topple Goliath andtoday sales of all variants of Coca-Cola are worth £1.15bn while Pepsi and PepsiMax are worth £352.2m so the war was eventually won by those in the red corner.


Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

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Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

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Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

I love the theatre <a href=" ">cheap abilify</a> I am almost convinced that the Chinese way is better in spite of their less liberal civil rights record. That can improve in China as the level of education rises overall in that society and as the people establish their own enlargement of scale and autonomy. But at least they are working and building the cities and towns of China in what appears to be a more modern and sensible way than this country did or ever can again. I fear we built our bed and will die in it no matter how inappropriate it is for changing global economic and environmental conditions.


Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

I love the theatre <a href=" ">cheap abilify</a> I am almost convinced that the Chinese way is better in spite of their less liberal civil rights record. That can improve in China as the level of education rises overall in that society and as the people establish their own enlargement of scale and autonomy. But at least they are working and building the cities and towns of China in what appears to be a more modern and sensible way than this country did or ever can again. I fear we built our bed and will die in it no matter how inappropriate it is for changing global economic and environmental conditions.


Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

We've got a joint account <a href=" ">2.5 mg abilify weight gain</a> Her book, "Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender," highlights her experiences serving with distinction in one of the military's most elite units before retiring in 2011. The veteran of operations in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Iraq could not serve under current military policy.


Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

We've got a joint account <a href=" ">2.5 mg abilify weight gain</a> Her book, "Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender," highlights her experiences serving with distinction in one of the military's most elite units before retiring in 2011. The veteran of operations in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Iraq could not serve under current military policy.


Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

A pension scheme <a href=" ">order generic abilify</a> “It’s no different than when I was a player,” Kidd said. “You respect the officials. My guys will respect the officials. Our goal is to get them not to complain to the officials. Sometimes out of habit or reaction you do, but if they do it’ll be a quick second and then move on. It’s just to respect them like I did as a player.”


Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

A pension scheme <a href=" ">order generic abilify</a> “It’s no different than when I was a player,” Kidd said. “You respect the officials. My guys will respect the officials. Our goal is to get them not to complain to the officials. Sometimes out of habit or reaction you do, but if they do it’ll be a quick second and then move on. It’s just to respect them like I did as a player.”


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Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 03:42

I can't hear you very well <a href=" ">flagyl 200 mg metronidazole tablets</a> With the recent Supreme Court ruling, the gay marriage issue becomes moot.  The Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution will, sooner or later, give legal force in every state to any marriage contract recognized by any other state.


Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 07:35

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Sobota, 07 Lutego, 2015, 07:35

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Albus Severus Potter
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Lily i James Potter
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Pamiętnik R. Lupina!
Pamiętnik N. Tonks!
Elizabeth Rosemond

Pamiętnik Bellatrix Black
Pamiętnik Freda i Georga
Pamiętnik Hannah Abbott
Pamiętnik Harrego!
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Lucius Malfoy
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Pamiętnik Petunii Ewans!
Pamiętnik Hagrida!
Pamiętnik Romildy Vane
Syriusz Black'a!
Pamiętnik Toma Riddle'a
Pamiętnik Lavender


Aurora Silverstone
Mary Ann Lupin!
Elizabeth Lastrange
Nowa Julia Darkness!

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Pamiętnik Laury Diggory
Pamiętnik Marty Pears
Madeleine Halliwell
Roxanne Weasley
Pamiętnik Wiktorii Fynn
Pamiętnik Dorcas Burska
Natasha Potter
Pamiętnik Jasminy!

Alicja Spinnet!
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Cedrik Diggory
Pamiętnik Sarah Potter
Valerie & Charlotte
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Neville Longbottom
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